Strategic Insights Series

The Strategic Insights Series (SIS) is an initiative by the IFPD that tries to educate and disseminate knowledge, awareness, skills, and capacity building on contemporary strategic issues of international relevance. The initiative aims to advocate societal consciousness on security issues while increasing the intellectual capital among civilians, primarily the youth. Through its online and offline workshops, bootcamps and capacity building programs, the initiative brings expertise of academicians, think-tankers, policy makers, veteran diplomats and military personnel from around the world and connects them to young enthusiasts in international relations and associated fields, creating access to knowledge and skill development, opportunities for networking, and promoting constructive dialogue, discourse and debate among young academicians.

SIS is conducted quarterly each year online, and at least once offline. Online courses are curated to reflect ongoing global developments but also include essential skills that are pertinent to students of International Relations including Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT), Strategic Net assessments, Wargaming and simulations, among others. Most of the courses under the banner of SIS are designed to meet the needs of early career professionals and young graduates, and are delivered for a nominal charge or fee, while ensuring that each of the courses are as affordable as possible. All the courses are delivered by best of our experts and we ensure that we maintain highest standards possible. 

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